Kio Zhu
Video installation ︎︎︎
Project Description:
ZFYL, NDSZ is a video installation in response to the recent incident involving Chinese comedian House making a joke referencing Chinese military’s slogan “作风优良,能打胜仗。(Good discipline, able to win battles)”. House was then canceled and investigated by the police, while his agent company was suspended for all commercial activities.
The installation holds video contents enclosed in a kaleidoscope in an attempt to create an overwhelming peeping experience for the audience.
Contents are processed with assets generated by AI through curated keywords. Audio is produced from the recording of the mentioned incident and sample of the military shouting their slogan.
Visit Kio Zhu’s Website ︎︎︎
See the Work In Progress version of this project here ︎︎︎
Additional Info
Kio Zhu
Video Installation
Hai (work in progress) is imagined to be a video installation meant to create an intimate peeping and eavesdropping viewing experience with the implementation of kaleidoscopes and intentionally tuned down volume.
The piece explores the artist’s intimate struggles concerning family, love, diaspora, identity crisis and many more during the past few years. The present struggle didn’t come from a singular incident, but an accumulation of the past.
*This is a project born from ZFYLNDSH, see that project on imagined final form with contents playing in the kaleidoscopes.